Dr. Andrew Miller (National Institute of Subatomic Physics and Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Exploring dark-matter candidates with continuous gravitational waves

The third observing run of advanced LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA brought unprecedented sensitivity towards a variety of quasi-monochromatic, persistent gravitational-wave signals. Continuous waves allow us to probe not just the canonical asymmetrically rotating neutron stars, but also different forms of dark matter, thus showing the wide-ranging astrophysical implications of using a relatively simple signal model. In this talk, I will summarize recent results from searches for dark matter in the form of asteroid-mass primordial black holes, dark matter clouds that could form around rotating black holes, and even dark matter that could interact with the detectors themselves. [link]

Place: Shu Qi meeting room

Time: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 1:30PM to Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 2:30PM