
Prof. Dr. Lijing Shao (邵立晶)
Associate Professor

Dr. Wenfan Feng (冯文凡)
Boya Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Hongbo Li (李洪波)
Visiting KIAA Postdoc

Han Wang (王晗)
Incoming Joint KIAA Postdoc

Yacheng Kang (康亚城)
PhD Student

Zexin Hu (胡泽昕)
PhD Student

Peixiang Ji (姬佩祥)
PhD Student

Ziming Wang (王子铭)
PhD Student

Yiming Dong (董益铭)
PhD Student

Ze Zhang (张泽)
PhD Student

Zhuhai Li (李竹海)
PhD Student

Chenghui Zhao (赵乘辉)
PhD Student
Members (22 ppl.)
♂ Lijing Shao | 邵立晶 | Associate Professor | KIAA-PKU |
♂ Wenfan Feng | 冯文凡 | Boya Postdoctoral Fellow | KIAA-PKU |
♂ Hongbo Li | 李洪波 | Visiting KIAA Postdoc | KIAA-PKU |
♀ Han Wang | 王晗 | Incoming Joint KIAA Postdoc | TianQin |
♂ Yacheng Kang | 康亚城 | PhD Student (visiting Rome) | DoA-PKU |
♂ Zexin Hu | 胡泽昕 | PhD Student (visiting Tübingen) | DoA-PKU |
♂ Peixiang Ji | 姬佩祥 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Ziming Wang | 王子铭 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Yiming Dong | 董益铭 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Zhuhai Li | 李竹海 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Ze Zhang | 张泽 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Chenghui Zhao | 赵乘辉 | PhD Student | DoA-PKU |
♂ Yiqiu Yang | 杨一秋 | Bachelor Dissertation | PHY-PKU |
♂ Yibo Yang | 杨奕博 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♂ Wenshuai Liu | 刘文帅 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♂ Kaiyao Chu | 楚开尧 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♂ Yilun Zhang | 张逸伦 | Undergraduate Research | YP-PKU |
♂ Zhihao Zheng | 郑智豪 | Undergraduate Research | YP-PKU |
♂ Jinwen Deng | 邓锦文 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♀ Jiahang Zhong | 钟佳航 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♂ Jinghao Zhang | 张景灏 | Undergraduate Research | DoA-PKU |
♂ Yiheng Fan | 范逸恒 | Undergraduate Research | PHY-PKU |
Associates — regularly seen in group meetings
♀ Yirui Yang | 杨怡蕊 | PhD Student | ITP-PKU |
♂ Jiangchuan Yu | 于江川 | Master Student | UCAS |
♂ Lirui Yang | 杨力睿 | Undergraduate | Cambridge |
♀ Ruijing Tang | 唐睿婧 | Undergraduate | BJTU |
♂ Yukai Fang | 方煜凯 | Undergraduate | PHY-PKU |
♂ Yifan Liu | 刘一凡 | Undergraduate | PHY-PKU |
♂ Yanhao Jin | 金延昊 | Undergraduate | PHY-PKU |
Alumnae and Alumni

Yong Gao (高勇)

Hongbo Li (李洪波)

Dicong Liang (梁迪聪)

Chang Liu (刘畅)

Zhenwei Lyu (吕振伟)

Zhanfeng Mai (麦展风)

Xueli Miao (缪雪丽)

Haitian Wang (王海天)

Rui Xu (徐睿)

Garvin Yim (嚴家榮)
Data Scientist

Junjie Zhao (赵俊杰)
Undergraduate Research Bachelor Dissertation Doctoral Thesis Postdoctoral Report Visiting Scholar >6个月
Former Members (52 ppl.)
♦ An, Zihe (安子訸) ♦ College of Engineering, Peking University |
UR Fisher Matrix in Gravitational-wave Data Analysis (2020) |
♦ Deng, Jingyuan (邓景元) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD The Forced Precession of Pulsars (PKU’21) |
♦ Dong, Yiming (董益铭) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Constraining Yukawa Gravity with Pulsars around Sgr A$^\ast$ (2022) BD Moments of Inertia of Axisymmetric Neutron Stars in the Standard-Model Extension (PKU’23) |
♦ Du, Rong (杜嵘) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Analyzing the Systematic Bias of Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Gravitational-Wave Sirens (PKU’24) |
♦ Gao, Kun (高焜) ♦ Yuanpei College, Peking University |
BD Timing Signals of Vector Ultra-Light Dark Matter in Binary Pulsar Systems (PKU’24) |
♦ Gao, Yong (高勇) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
DT Study of Neutron-star Structures and Precession in the era of Multimessenger Astrophysics (PKU’23) |
♦ Gu, Huapeng (顾华鹏) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Constraints on Black Hole Charge from GWTC-3 and ET Simulation (PKU’23) |
♦ Guo, Minghao (郭明浩) ♦ Yuanpei College, Peking University |
BD A Numerical Study of Scalar-tensor Gravity Theory (PKU’21) |
♦ Guo, Yuxin (郭雨欣) ♦ School of Space and Environment, Beihang University |
BD Estimating Black Hole Merger Parameters Based on Numerical Relativity Waveforms (BUAA’24); co-advisor: Yan Liu |
♦ Hu, Jierui (胡杰瑞) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Studying gravitational-wave polarizations (2023) BD Testing Lorentz Symmetry with Pulsar Timing Arrays (PKU’24) |
♦ Hu, Zexin (胡泽昕) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Neutron Star Structures in Scalar-tensor Gravity (2021) BD Black Hole-pulsar Timing Model: Numerical implementation and parameter estimation (PKU’22) |
♦ Ji, Peixiang (姬佩祥) ♦ Nankai University ↦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Cosmology in the Scalar-tensor Theory of Gravity (Nankai’22) |
♦ Kang, Yacheng (康亚城) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Exoplanets with Space-based Gravitational-wave Detectors (2021) BD Multi-messenger Early-warning Detections of Binary Neutron Star Mergers (PKU’22) |
♦ Kazempour, Sobhan ♦ Faculty of Physics, University of Tabriz |
DT Cosmological Aspects of Massive Gravity Theory (TabrizU’22); co-advisors: A.R. Akbarieh & H. Motavalli |
♦ Li, Bolin (李柏霖) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Variance in Pulsar Timing Arrays (2024) |
♦ Li, Chunjiang (李春江) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Track Down Radio Frequency Interference in FAST Data (PKU’21); co-advisor: Weiwei Zhu |
♦ Li, Hong-Bo (李洪波) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
DT The Asteroseismology of Compact Stars (PKU’24); co-advisor: Ren-Xin Xu |
♦ Li, Peihang (李沛航) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Smart Manufacturing in Radio Astronomy (PKU’24); co-advisor: Weiwei Zhu |
♦ Li, Shou-Long (李守龙) ♦ School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan Normal University |
VS NANOGrav Signal from First-order Confinement-deconfinement Phase Transition (2021) |
♦ Li, Wenlong (李汶隆) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Astrophysics from Space-based Gravitational Wave Detectors (PKU’19) |
♦ Li, Zhuhai (李竹海) ♦ Beijing Normal University ↦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Neutron Star Structures in the Bumblebee Theory (BNU’24) |
♦ Li, Zijing (李子敬) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Possible Observational Phenomenology from Quantum Gravity in Astrophysics (PKU’24) |
♦ Liang, Dicong (梁迪聪) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Gravtitational Waves in Modified Gravity Theories (2024) |
♦ Liu, Chang (刘畅) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
DT Science Cases with Space-based Gravitational-wave Detectors (PKU’24); co-advisor: Nicola Tamanini |
♦ Liu, Yukun (刘宇堃) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Effects from Dark Matter Halos on X-ray Pulsar Pulse Profiles (2024) |
♦ Luo, Jianyuan (罗荐元) ♦ School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University |
BD Constraining Fermionic Dark Matter with Neutron Stars (WHU’24); co-advisor: Bei You |
♦ Lyu, Zhenwei (吕振伟) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Unveiling Physical Insights from Gravitational Waves (2024) |
♦ Mai, Zhan-Feng (麦展风) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Stability Analysis for Bumblebee Black Holes (2024) |
♦ Miao, Xueli (缪雪丽) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
DT Testing Gravity Theories with Binary Pulsar Systems (PKU’21); co-advisor: Bo-Qiang Ma |
♦ Pan, Yichen (潘奕晨) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Search for Pulsar and FRB Signals (PKU’24); co-advisor: W. Zhu |
♦ Qi, Haoyang (祁昊洋) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Constraining Ultralight Dark Matters with Pulsar Timing (2022) |
♦ Qiu, Lingqian (邱令倩) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Research on Suitable Neural Network Models for Gravitational Wave Detection (PKU’21) |
♦ Song, Hanlin (宋翰林) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
VS Stochastic Gravitational Waves and Lunar-based Detections (2025) |
♦ Sun, Zhongpeng (孙忠鹏) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Constraining Dark Matter Properties with Neutron Stars (PKU’19) |
♦ Tao, Yu (陶昱) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Brief Studies on Gravitational Waveform of Numerical Relativity (PKU’20) |
♦ Wang, Hai-Tian (王海天) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Gravitational Wave Data Analysis on the Ringdown Signal (2024) |
♦ Wang, Huimei (王惠美) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Bounding the Photon Mass with Fast Radio Bursts (2020) BD The Structure of Neutron Stars with Anisotropic Pressure (PKU’21) |
♦ Wang, Weisong (王伟松) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Spin dynamics of black hole - pulsar systems (2023) |
♦ Wang, Yichen (王弋尘) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Constraining Dark-matter Particles with Neutron Stars (2020) |
♦ Wang, Zihang (王子航) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
VS Axion as a Dark Matter Candidate (2023) |
♦ Wang, Ziming (王子铭) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Testing Spacetime Symmetries with Gravitational Waves (2022) BD Anatomy of Parameter-estimation Biases in Overlapping Gravitational-wave Signals (PKU’23) |
♦ Xia, Heming (夏鹤明) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Deep Learning in Gravitational Wave Data Processing (PKU’20) |
♦ Xu, Rui (徐睿) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Neutron Star Structure in Alternative Gravitational Theories (2021) PR Compact Objects in Alternative Theories of Gravity (2023) |
♦ Xu, Yiming (徐一鸣) ♦ School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University |
BD Classification of Gravitational Wave Detector Glitches with Machine Learning (PKU’24) |
♦ Yang, Yiqiu (杨一秋) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Spectral Instability of Black Holes (2024) |
♦ Yim, Garvin (嚴家榮) ♦ Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University |
PR Gravitational Waves from Pulsar Glitches and Antiglitches (2024); co-advisor: Renxin Xu |
♦ Zhang, Hongyi (章弘毅) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Possible Degeneracy between Different Effects on GW Phase (2024) |
♦ Zhang, Zhejian (张喆戬) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Testing Equivalence Principle with Pulsar Timing (2022) |
♦ Zhao, Chenghui (赵乘辉) ♦ School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University |
BD White Dwarf Seismology and Equation of State (NJU’24); co-advisor: Jianhua He |
♦ Zhao, Junjie (赵俊杰) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
DT Testing Dipole Radiation with Binary Pulsars and Gravitational Waves (PKU’21); co-advisor: Bo-Qiang Ma |
♦ Zhao, Xinmiao (赵鑫淼) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
BD Test the Spacetime of Sgr A$^\ast$ with Pulsars (PKU’21) |
♦ Zhou, Lihang (周立杭) ♦ School of Physics, Peking University |
UR Superradiant instabilities of massive bosons (2023) BD Forward Ray Tracing Method for Kerr Black Hole Strong Lensing (PKU’24) |