Gravity Attracts Us All
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University
Group Meeting 01/09/2021
Xueli Miao Literature reading: Constraining the dense matter equation-of-state with radio pulsars Reference: Huanchen Hu et al. [arXiv] Reference: Manjari...
Discussion on Research Topics 01/09/2021
Attendees Junjie, Rui, Shoulong, Yong, Chang, Xueli, Lijing Agenda Junjie: Foundations of Newtonian gravity IV References Chapter 1, page 50-60,...
Discussion on Research Topics 01/07/2021
Attendees Junjie, Hongbo, Rui, Shoulong, Yong, Chang, Xueli, Lijing Agenda Round table Junjie: Foundations of Newtonian gravity III References Chapter...
Group Meeting 01/02/2021
Minghao Guo Interim report: Extended reduced-order surrogate models for scalar-tensor gravity in the strong field and applications to binary pulsars...
Prof. Rusen Lu's lunch talk 31/12/2020
Prof. Dr. Rusen Lu (SHAO) Imaging nearby supermassive black holes and their immediate neighborhoods with millimeter-VLBI Imagingnearby supermassive black holes...
Discussion on Research Topics 31/12/2020
Attendees Hongbo, Rui, Junjie, Yong, Chang, Xueli, Lijing Agenda Round table Hongbo: Linear, adiabatic, nonradial oscillations of spherical stars References...
Group Meeting 12/26/2020
Rui Xu Literature reading: The Dynamics of General Relativity Reference: R. Arnowitt, et al. [arXiv]
Prof. Jifeng Liu's lunch talk 25/12/2020
Prof. Dr. Jifeng Liu (NAOC) 大样本黑洞质量分布 刘慈欣在《人和吞食者》中这样描述曾经的恐龙文明离开地球的星际征程:再向前则会遇到强辐射和大群游荡的黑洞! 这大群的黑洞,是人类文明离开地球将面对的星旅暗礁,也是目前天文学家热切希望发现并深入研究的对象。 五十余年来,人们在对黑洞等致密天体的研究上已经取得了长足进步,已经在银河系中发现了二十来个黑洞,但是还有一些基本问题没有解答。 例如,理论预言大批存在的3-6个太阳质量的小黑洞为什么观测上缺失? LIGO引力波实验发现的大黑洞如何通过独立的天文手段来发现? 这些都有赖于突破传统方法限制来发现更多恒星级黑洞。 综合利用LAMOST监测、Gaia天测卫星数据以及后续视向速度监测,可以发现致密天体并进行质量测定。 报告将介绍最近在这方面的努力,包括LB-1的发现和后续工作。 最终目的是构建大样本致密天体质量分布,来解答恒星死亡黑洞形成等方面的基本问题。 [link] Place: 北京大学物理学院西楼202会议室 Time: 2020.12.25(周五)10:00–11:00...
Discussion on Research Topics 24/12/2020
Attendees Rui, Junjie, Yong, Hongbo, Chang, Xueli, Lijing Agenda Round table Rui: Scalar-tensor teleparallel gravity References Modified teleparallel theories of...
Group Meeting 12/19/2020
Huimei Wang Literature reading: Neutron stars for undergraduates & Anisotropic Spheres in General Relativity Reference: Richard R. Silbar and Sanjay...