• Dr. Yifan Wang's seminar talk 30/03/2021

    Dr. Yifan Wang (AEI Hannover) Looking for sub-solar mass black hole merger with LIGO and Virgo Up to now LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA...

  • Group Meeting 03/27/2021

    Chang Liu Literature reading: Systematic Parameter Errors in Inspiraling Neutron Star Binaries Reference: Marc Favata [Physical Review Letter] Ziming Wang...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 24/03/2021

    Attendees Hongbo, Junjie, Yong, Xueli, Chang, Rui Xu, Rui Zhu Agenda Hongbo: Oscillations of neutron stars III Reference Nonradial oscillations...

  • Group Meeting 03/20/2021

    Rehearsal of doctoral dissertation defense Junjie Zhao: 利用脉冲双星系统与引力波检验偶极辐射 Xueli Miao: 脉冲双星检验引力理论 Paper presentation Yacheng Kang: The gravitational-wave detection of exoplanets...

  • Prof. Hua Feng's colloquium talk 18/03/2021

    Prof. Dr. Hua Feng (Tsinghua) Reopening the window of astronomical X-ray polarimetry with PolarLight Polarimetry in the X-ray band is...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 17/03/2021

    Attendees Hongbo, Junjie, Yong, Lijing, Xueli, Chang, Rui Xu, Rui Zhu Agenda Round table Hongbo: Oscillations of neutron stars II...

  • Group Meeting 03/13/2021

    Yong Gao Literature reading: Invisibility of the Lorentz contraction Reference: James Terrell [PHYSICAL REVIEW] Zihang Wang Paper presentation: Axion as...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 10/03/2021

    Attendees Junjie, Yong, Lijing, Xueli, Chang, Rui, Hongbo Agenda Round table Junjie: Rotating self-gravitating bodies Reference Chapter 2, page 89-105,...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 03/03/2021

    Attendees Yong, Lijing, Junjie, Xueli, Chang, Rui, Hongbo Agenda Round table Yong: Slowly rotating relativistic star to third order and...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 24/02/2021

    Attendees Lijing, Junjie, Xueli, Chang, Rui, Yong, Hongbo Agenda Round table Lijing: Probing fundamental physicas with GWs References Probing Fundamental...