• Group Meeting 04/17/2021

    Rui Xu Paper presentation: Uniqueness of the Newman–Janis Algorithm in Generating the Kerr–Newman Metric Reference: S. P. Drake and Peter...

  • Prof. Guang-Xing Li's colloquium talk 15/04/2021

    Prof. Guang-Xing Li (Yunnan U.) Star formation — Are complex things understandable? Star formation is among the most complex processes...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 14/04/2021

    Attendees Yong, Chang, Rui Xu, Hongbo, Junjie, Rui Zhu, Xueli, Lijing Agenda Round table Yong: Precession of the Earth Reference...

  • Group Meeting 04/10/2021

    Chang Liu Paper presentation: Noisy neighbours: inference biases from overlapping gravitational-wave signals Reference: Andrea Antonelli et al., [arXiv] Yong Gao...

  • Prof. Xun Shi's colloquium talk 08/04/2021

    Prof. Xun Shi (Yunnan U.) The Intracluster ‘Stratosphere’: Dynamics and Thermodynamics Turbulent motions in the intracluster medium (ICM) area key...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 07/04/2021

    Attendees Chang, Rui Xu, Hongbo, Junjie, Yong, Rui Zhu Agenda Chang: Systematic error in GW templates Reference LISA detections of...

  • Dr. Rui Xu's seminar talk 06/04/2021

    Dr. Rui Xu (KIAA) Signatures in pulsar and continuous gravitational wave observations due to Lorentz-invariance violation Lorentz invariance is considered...

  • Group Meeting 04/03/2021

    Zexin Hu Literature reading: Disk-accretion onto a black hole. II. evolution of the hole Reference: Kip S. Thorne [The Astrophysical...

  • Prof. Bo Qin's colloquium talk 01/04/2021

    Prof. Bo Qin (NAOC) The Square Kilometre Array: Progress and the Chinese Participation I will give a comprehensive overview of...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 31/03/2021

    Attendees Rui Xu, Hongbo, Junjie, Yong, Lijing, Xueli, Chang, Rui Zhu Agenda Round table Rui Xu: An exact Schwarzschild-like solution...