• Dr. Hong Qi's lunch talk 30/12/2019

    Hong Qi (Cardiff University) Cosmological Inference using Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens The observation of binary neutron star merger GW170817 provides...

  • Group Meeting 28/12/2019

    Rui Xu Paper presentation: Multipole expansions of gravitational radiation by Kip S. Thorne [Reviews of Modern Physics] Zihang Wang Doctoral...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 25/12/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Round table Junjie: research progress II

  • Group Meeting 21/12/2019

    Chang Liu Paper presentation: Robust parameter estimation for compact binaries with ground-based gravitational-wave observations using the LALInference software library by...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 18/12/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Round table Rui: Neutron star structure with Lorentz violation and the implication...

  • Group Meeting 14/12/2019

    Jiayin Shen Paper presentation: Teleparallel Gravity as Equivanlent Gauge Theory of General Relativity references: M Fontanini et al. [arXiv:1811.03810], J....

  • Discussion on Research Topics 11/12/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Round table Xueli: Constraining dark matter with neutron star observations References Chris...

  • Group Meeting 07/12/2019

    Junjie Zhao Paper presentation: The Rate of Binary Black Hole Mergers Inferred from Advanced LIGO Observations Surrounding GW150914 by B....

  • Discussion on Research Topics 04/12/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Round table Junjie: research progress Rui: Comparing the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of a...

  • Group Meeting 30/11/2019

    Yong Gao Paper presentation: Anisotropic stars as ultracompact objects in General Relativity by Guilherme Raposo et al. [arXiv:1811.07917] Chang Liu...