• Group Meeting 30/11/2019

    Yong Gao Paper presentation: Anisotropic stars as ultracompact objects in General Relativity by Guilherme Raposo et al. [arXiv:1811.07917] Chang Liu...

  • KIAA Forum: The Future of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics 28/11/2019

    KIAA Forum 2019: The Future of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics [link] 28-29 November, 2019 The direct detection of gravitational waves in...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 27/11/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Round table Rui: Hairy Kerr black holes References Carlos Herdeiro and Eugen...

  • Group Meeting 23/11/2019

    Rui Xu Paper presentation: Testing the No-Hair Theorem with Observations in the Electromagnetic Spectrum: II. Black-Hole Images by Tim Johannsen,...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 20/11/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Chang: Current status of space-borne GW detector network II Lijing: Neutron stars’...

  • Group Meeting 16/11/2019

    Xueli Miao Paper presentation: Millisecond Pulsars, their Evolution and Applications by R. N. Manchester [arXiv:1709.09434] Paper presentation: Gravitational waves from...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 13/11/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Yong: Anisotropic spheres in general relativity Lijing: review TianQin papers (30 mins)...

  • Group Meeting 09/11/2019

    Junjie Zhao Paper presentation: Sources of Gravitational Waves: Theory and Observations by Alessandra Buonanno, B.S. Sathyaprakash [arXiv:1410.7832] Paper presentation: An...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 06/11/2019

    Attendees Rui, Lijing, Chang, Yong, Junjie, Xueli Agenda Rui: Penrose process and black hole thermodynamics

  • Group Meeting 02/11/2019

    Yong Gao Paper presentation: Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars. II. Models for Neutron Stars and Supermassive Stars by Hartle, James B....