• Group Meeting 18/05/2019

    Dewang Xu Paper presentation: Detection of Prominent Stellar Disks in the Progenitors of Present-day Massive Elliptical Galaxies by R.H. Davari...

  • Group Meeting 11/05/2019

    Zhongfu Zhang Paper presentation: First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Physical Origin of the Asymmetric Ring by Event Horizon...

  • Group Meeting 20/04/2019

    Zihang Wang Paper presentation: Cool WISPs for stellar cooling excesses by M. Giannotti, I. Irastorza, J. Redondo, A. Ringwald [arXiv:1512.08108]...

  • Group Meeting 13/04/2019

    Yong Gao Paper presentation: Slowly rotating relativistic stars. I. Equations of structure by J.B. Hartle [ADS:1967ApJ…150.1005H] Chang Liu Literature reading:...

  • Group Meeting 06/04/2019

    Xueli Miao Paper presentation: Testing general relativity with black hole-pulsar binaries by B.C. Seymour, K. Yagi [arXiv:1808.00080] Jiangwei Xu Literature...

  • Prof. Tjonnie Li's colloquium talk 04/04/2019

    Tjonnie Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves Gravitational lensing phenomena are widespread in electromagnetic...

  • Prof. Tjonnie Li's lectures on 03/04/2019 & 05/04/2019

    Tjonnie Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Extracting Physics from Gravitational Waves (1/2) Place: K208, KIAA-PKU Time: 10:00AM, Apr...

  • Group Meeting 30/03/2019

    Junjie Zhao Paper presentation: Tests of general relativity with GW150914 by LIGO/Virgo Collaboration [arXiv:1602.03841] Paper presentation: Tests of general relativity...

  • Prof. Cosimo Bambi's colloquium talk 29/03/2019

    Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University) Testing general relativity using X-ray reflection spectroscopy Einstein’s theory of general relativity was proposed over 100...

  • Group Meeting 23/03/2019

    Chang Liu Paper presentation: How to detect the shortest-period binary pulsars in the era of LISA by K. Kyutoku, Y....