Gravity Attracts Us All
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University
Prof. Fupeng Zhang's lunch talk 20/03/2019
Fupeng Zhang (Guangzhou Univ) Gravitational-wave merging events from the dynamics of stellar mass binary black holes around the massive black...
Group Meeting 16/03/2019
Jiangwei Xu Paper presentation: Observing the post-merger signal of GW170817-like events with improved gravitational-wave detectors by A. Torres-Rivas et al....
Dr. Qing Yang's lunch talk 12/03/2019
Qing Yang (Beijing Normal University) Co-evolution of supermassive black holes with galaxies from semi-analytic model In this talk I will...
Group Meeting 09/03/2019
Dewang Xu Paper presentation: Future prospects for ground-based gravitational wave detectors − The Galactic double neutron star merger rate revisited...
Group Meeting 02/03/2019
Zihang Wang Paper presentation: Do dark matter axions form a condensate with long-range correlation? by A.H. Guth, M.P. Hertzberg, C....
Group Meeting 23/02/2019
Xueli Miao Paper presentation: The relativistic pulsar-white dwarf binary PSR J1738+0333 II. The most stringent test of scalar-tensor gravity by...
Dr. Weiwei Xu's lunch talk 27/12/2018
Weiwei Xu (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences) A New X-Ray Selected Galaxy Cluster Sample from the ROSAT All-Sky...
Group Meeting 25/12/2018
Zhongfu Zhang Paper presentation: Ultra-high precision cosmology from gravitational waves by C. Cutler, D.E. Holz [arXiv:0906.3752] Wenlong Li Rehearsal for...
Dr. Junwu Huang's lunch talk 20/12/2018
Junwu Huang (Perimeter Institute, Canada) Probing axions with neutron star inspirals observed by Advanced LIGO In certain models of a...
Group Meeting 11/12/2018
Yong Gao Paper presentation: Tidal deformabilities and radii of neutron stars from the observation of GW170817 by S. De et...