• Group Meeting 04/10/2022

    Literature Reading Zezhou Hu: An introduction to black hole shadow Refs: [QED effect on a black hole shadow] [QED effects...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 04/8/2022

    Attendees Zhanfeng, Muxin, Ziming, Yacheng, Zexin, Dicong, Yong, Rui Xu, Chang, Junjie, Xueli, Hongbo, Lijing Agenda Yacheng Kang: Viewing Angle...

  • Group Meeting 04/03/2022

    Literature Reading Weiyang Wang: Something about FRB Ref: [Fast Radio Bursts: An Extragalactic Enigma] Dicong Liang: Spontaneous Growth of Scalar...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 04/1/2022

    Attendees Zhanfeng, Muxin, Ziming, Yacheng, Zexin, Dicong, Yong, Rui Xu, Chang, Junjie, Xueli, Hongbo, Lijing Agenda Yong Gao: Polarized X-Ray...

  • Prof. Michael Kramer's colloquium talk 03/31/2022

    Prof. Michael Kramer (MPIfR/Bonn) Probing relativistic gravity with radio astronomy We experience a golden era in testing and exploring relativistic...

  • Group Meeting 03/27/2022

    Literature Reading Xueli Miao: Lense–Thirring frame dragging induced by a fast-rotating white dwarf in a binary pulsar system Ref: [KRISHNAN...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 03/25/2022

    Attendees Zhanfeng, Muxin, Ziming, Yacheng, Zexin, Dicong, Yong, Rui Xu, Chang, Junjie, Xueli, Hongbo, Lijing Agenda Rui Xu: Derivation of...

  • Prof. Haixing Miao's colloquium talk 03/24/2022

    Prof. Haixing Miao (Tsinghua U.) kHz Gravitational Wave Detector Gravitational-wave detections have opened up a new window to the universe....

  • Group Meeting 03/20/2022

    Literature Reading Weisong Wang: SKA will be the most sensitive interferometer in the world Refs: [SKA website] [Link] Hongbo Li:...

  • Discussion on Research Topics 03/18/2022

    Attendees zhanfeng, Muxin, Ziming, Yacheng, Zexin, Dicong, Yong, Rui Xu, Chang, Junjie, Xueli, Hongbo, Lijing Agenda Yacheng Kang: Multi-messenger Early-Warning...